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Central Christian School is excited to partner with American Homelife International (AHLI). AHLI works with young people desiring cultural experiences and education from a faith-based perspective. They have served more than 15,000 students over the past 30 years. Critical for student success, AHLI’s strength is the unparalleled ability to provide Christian host families that offer a safe, secure, and nurturing home environment for the students.

For inquiries, please email AHLI or fill out this form

Become a Host Family

Interested in sharing life, faith and culture with an international student?

We are working on building our roster of Christian host families with AHLI and are excited to offer this opportunity as a new and exciting way to broaden our own horizons as well as share the love of Jesus with students that God brings into our Central family! To find out more information or start the process of becoming an approved host family, visit Host Families - American Home Life International, Inc. or contact Area Student Coordinator Katie Immel at


"People here make Central special for me. I feel that all the teachers in this school are very friendly and very patient with the students, and they are very willing to help me when I have problems. The students here are also very enthusiastic. They invite you to be part of their group.
     It was easy to get involved and get to know people. Students can choose to join their favorite clubs and sports activities to better know people who share their interests. For example, I joined the ski club and the tennis team. I made many friends during these two activities and they were all very friendly."
-Jiarui Zhang, Class of 2024, China



"I was nervous about transferring schools during high school, because being a new student without knowing anyone was a new experience. The staff members at Central made transferring during high school easier, they were very kind to me and guided me. 
     It’s been easy to get involved this year because the teachers and staff are very kind and the students are respectful and friendly. I didn’t participate in sports before, but I was encouraged to play soccer and basketball and it has been the best experience of my life by far. 
     Central is an amazing place and I am glad I transferred because I have learned many things, met many people, and it is fun to spend time at school. I would recommend other students transfer to Central to also make friends who will encourage them to do things they may never have done and it will be the best experience of your life."
-John Castillo Gago, Class of 2024, Nicaragua


Student Testimonial 

Meet Ethan Choi, senior class member at Central Christian School. Ethan is an international student from South Korea and has attended CCS since he was a sophomore. Ethan has embraced the community at CCS and found various ways to use his gifts and talents at the school. “I have good relationships among my classmates and I have been able to meet many other friends through events like MSC Choir Festival,” Ethan shared with us. “During Choir Festival, I met two other Ethan’s from different schools. I was Ethan #2. During practice times, we were able to take time to get to know each other through group activities and free time. It was a good experience!” 

Ethan enjoys the relationship building activities that happen across the school at CCS. School Day Out, Community Service Day, and the high school socials we specific events that Ethan treasures. During the summer of 2018, Ethan participated in a mission trip to West Virginia with his youth group through Kidron Mennonite Church. “I was able to fix meals and do home repairs for people who had been affected by drug addiction. Many of them were physically disabled. It was very satisfying to see how thankful they were to us for our service. They are good people and I was happy I was able to help in a small way.”

Ethan was a cast member for the 2019 spring musical, Tarzan. “The reason I joined the Tarzan musical is because Disney’s Tarzan is one of my favorite cartoons. I even got a solo part! Having a part in the musical gave me the opportunity to make relationships with freshmen and sophomores, who are now my friends,” said Ethan. 

Ethan will join Varsity Singers for the 2019-2020 season after auditioning for a part in the vocal ensemble in May. “I like to sing so I joined Concert Choir, and auditioned for Varsity Singers and made it. I am looking forward to increasing my sight reading and voice skills while in Varsity Singers. The opportunity to perform at different churches and events is also very exciting!”

While attending CCS, international students stay with a host family. Joel and Lisa Otto opened their home to Ethan, and Ethan has been a natural addition to the family. “When Ethan returned to South Korea after his first year staying with us, we gave him a set of interlocking puzzle piece picture frames to take home to his parents. One has Choi engraved on it and the other says Otto with a family picture of the seven of us. That encompasses how we view our relationship,” said Joel and Lisa. “Ethan has made a lot of effort to participate in family life and to connect with us. He is proud (as he should be) that he is South Korean, but he desires to learn about the American culture and midwestern life. We have so much fun with him because he understands our humor and can run with it.”

Ethan shared this about his lAmerican family, “The Ottos treat me like I am part of their family. We do a lot of fun family activities. We go boating, camping, play basketball and go visit grandma and grandpa across the street,” shared Ethan. “I even have to do chores, but that’s okay, I’m not very messy!” 

Ethan is excited about exploring and visiting different colleges his senior year. “I want to study Mechanical Engineering. I’d like to stay in Ohio and choose a smaller Christian college. I will miss the people at CCS, all the teachers and the community.” 

When asked if he would recommend students from South Korea to attend Central Christian, Ethan replied, “Definitely! In my country, the process of learning is very different than Central Christian. There are many opportunities at Central to explore what gifts you have and how to apply them.It’s not just testing. New students who come to Central will quickly realize that their teachers and classmates care about their success.”

     "In my country, the process of learning is very different than Central Christian. There are many opportunities at Central to explore what gifts you have and how to apply them. It’s not just testing. New students who come to Central will quickly realize that their teachers and classmates care about their success.” 
-Ethan Choi, Class of 2020, South Korea

    “I was not only able to learn in classrooms, but also get a lot of advice from teachers and staff members. This was so precious to me because I needed good guidance when my parents were not around. Even though it was only for one year, Central raised me well, and I feel so proud. It felt very safe, very much like I was a part of the family.”  
-Yicheng Wang, Class of 2017, China

    "The biggest impression Central made on me was through strong faculty and student relationships, in and out of the classroom. I've never attended a school where teachers care so much about each student's individual progress. Central's faculty are gifted with relating to students and offering different methods of motivation, helping to develop students' spiritual lives, as well as gaining academic results.
    The faculty at Central showed me great examples of true love for God, and how to be more humble. I am thankful I was able to learn more about humility and love for our God through Central's faculty; attributes I now value the most in my life." 
-Min Goo Kang, Class of 2014, South Korea