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We are so excited that you are a part of the Central Christian School family! We know you have questions about how to complete enrollment, prepare for the upcoming school year, and explore the many activities in which your child can get involved. We have several important items to share with you below as you prepare for the 2024-2025 school year. We will continue to update this page, so please continue to check back!

All-School General Information


FACTS Family Portal - the one easy place to check:


Student Grades

Class Schedules

School Calendars

See the Lunch Menu

Order and Pay for Lunch

Access Web Forms

Make Incidental Billing Payments

And so much more!!!


To log in to your FACTS Family Portal 

access the following link:


FACTS Family Portal 






Download in the App Store or Google Play Store on your device by searching for “Central Christian School FACTS” or by following this link: 

CCS FACTS Family App



To streamline the reporting of student absences, Central Christian School uses a FACTS Family Portal Web Form for parents to report a student absence before school daily and for reporting student absences in the future for medical appointments, college visits, or other student absence needs. Please use this Webform to report a student absence or medical appointments as the preferred method of reporting student absences in lieu of an email or phone call.

For directions on using the webform to report student absences, please access the following link:  CCS Student Absence Reporting - FACTS Webforms







Students should be “fever-free” for 24 hours, without the help of fever-reducing medication, before returning to school.


At Central Christian School, students may either purchase a school lunch or bring a packed lunch. School lunches should be ordered in advance through the FACTS Family Portal, where the lunch menu is also available. Lunches purchased from the cafeteria will be invoiced weekly via incidental billing in FACTS. 

Lunch prices are as follows:


Elementary Lunch - $4.00

Middle School/High School Lunch - $4.50

Extra Main - $2.00

Extra Side - $1.00

Extra Milk - $0.50

For directions on ordering student lunches via FACTS Family Portal, please access the following link:  Lunch Ordering at CCS.


For information on obtaining free or reduced lunches through The National School Lunch Program, please access the following link:  National School Lunch Program.


At Central Christian School, medication can be administered by the Health and Hygiene Coordinator, the Main Office, or Administration. CCS requires separate forms for non-prescription and prescription medications, with a doctor's signature only necessary for prescription medications. You may access the Prescription and Non-prescription Medication Forms below.

Non-Prescription Medication Form


Prescription Medication Form




The school’s primary communication for closings and delays will be through FACTS Family Portal email, text and/or voice message. 

School closings and delays will also be broadcast over radio station WQKT (FM 104.5), and on some select television channels like WKYC (Ch 3), WJW (Ch 8), and WEWS (Ch 5).

In the event of a school closing, all after-school extra-curricular event decisions will be made and communicated by the coaches and directors to student participants. All middle school practices and games will be canceled. All before school student meetings, rehearsals, or events are automatically canceled in the event of a school closing or delay.

While the school makes decisions related to delays, parents make the final decision about road safety based on weather conditions. Parents are to notify the school when their student will be absent due to weather conditions. This is an excused absence.


Follow this link to find the 2024-2025 Condensed School Calendar.


Follow this link to find the All School Events Calendar.


A more detailed school calendar can be found in your FACTS Family Portal.



Please communicate with teachers through their school email addresses rather than by text message or speaking to the teacher before school. Teachers check emails at least twice daily and will respond within 24 hours. Make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher. If you have an urgent or time-sensitive message, you may call or email the main office anytime from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


The use of technology for both student learning and teacher instruction seeks to maximize the use and functionality of resources to provide excellent instruction to our students. 

Elementary School: Grades K - 4 have classroom Chromebook labs that allow each student access to their own computer in the classroom.

Middle School: Grades 5 - 8 have classroom Chromebook labs that allow each student access to their own computer for their core and exploratory classes.

High School: CCS provides grades 9 - 12 a 1:1 Chromebook program. Students will be issued a Chromebook and charger to use for learning in the classroom and at home.

CCS Student Google Accounts:  All Central Christian School (CCS) students from grades K-12 have a Google Workspace for Education account. Google Workspace for Education includes apps such as Gmail, Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms, Drive, Google Classroom and more. These tools help educators and students communicate, collaborate, and manage classrooms at school or home on any device, all within a secure environment.

Gmail - Student Email: For school communication and collaboration educational and school purposes, students in grades 5-12 have CCS Gmail, email accounts. Student Gmail email addresses and passwords are the same as the student CCS Google Account Username and passwords.

For the protection of our K-4 students, Elementary grades do not have access to a Gmail email account in their CCS Student Google Account. 

Google Classroom: Google Classroom is a web-based learning environment used in grades K - 12. Google Classroom is Central Christian School’s Learning Management System (LMS). When logged into Google Classroom, students can collaborate with their peers and teachers. Google Classroom offers a digital safe space for students to view class announcements, access posted course content, view posted assignments, and turn in completed work. 

For more detailed information regarding the information above, please use the following link: CCS Student Google Workspace for Education and Chromebook Information.


As the need arises throughout the school year, parents can update and make changes to important information related to their child/children and family via FACTS Family Portal using the Family Demographic Form. Parents can change demographic information for students, parents, and families. Parents can also update student medical information, emergency contact information, transportation for student rides information, and grandparent’s information.

For directions on using the Webform to make changes to family demographics, please


access the following link:  FACTS Family Portal - Family Demographic Form Instructions




School Day Out is a long-standing Central Christian tradition that occurs at the beginning of each school year. School Day Out is a day filled with worship, fellowship, organized games, and social interaction in an outdoor setting. It is a time to renew old relationships and allow new students to get to know their classmates and teachers outside the classroom setting. 

Elementary School


  • Drop Off is between 7:40-8:00 am.
  • Enter the middle driveway and form a SINGLE LINE beside the curb at the Elementary Front Entrance.
  • Please pull completely forward to allow cars behind you to drop off at the same time.
  • Students will enter the Elementary front entrance to hang up their backpacks before heading out for a morning walk.
  • Faculty/Staff will be present to help students.



  • Pick-up is between 2:50-3:00 pm.
  • Display the Pickup # visible on your dash. The # will be entered into our system.
  • Please park in one of the designated temporary spaces, numbered 1-6. Once all 6 spaces are filled, traffic is STOPPED and students will be dismissed to load vehicles.
  • A staff member will give the signal to depart.
  • If all 6 spaces are filled, please wait on deck.
  • Please exit out the South main driveway.
  • Combo Families with children at multiple school levels will pick up your ES child and proceed to 'ES Combo Family Parking'.
  • At the conclusion of the school day, Middle and High School students can walk out the front main door without crossing traffic.
  • You may also walk in to gather your child at the conclusion of the school day.
  • Please exit out the South main driveway.


Middle School


All Middle School and High School students are assigned a locker.
Lockers are considered school property and may be subject to search at any time deemed necessary by Administration.
Lockers do not contain built-in combination locks. Students are given the opportunity to rent a combination lock from the school.
Students may NOT put on personal locks, as lockers are considered school property.
Students should contact the Operations Manager or Maintenance Manager if there is a problem with the locker or the lock.
Lockers may be decorated inside but may not contain objectionable pictures.
No decorations or stickers may be displayed on the outside of lockers except those created by school or parent groups for school events.
Parents should request permission prior to decorating student lockers.
Lockers will be inspected at the end of the year after students have cleaned them.
Students will be responsible for any damages incurred.


Please refer to the following instructions and the diagram below:

The Red line indicates student drop off and pick up zones for Middle School and High School students.
Please enter the South entrance to the front parking lot and drop off and pick up on South side of the Main Entrance Portico. 
Please exit back out of the South entrance.
The Blue line indicates the drop off and pick up zones for Elementary Students.
Families with children in Elementary, Middle School, and High School, may drop off and pick-up on the Elementary side.


Organized school sports begin in Grade 6 for middle school students.  Students must complete these forms before practicing and competing in school sports: Athletic Forms

High School

  • All Middle School and High School students are assigned a locker.
  • Lockers are considered school property and may be subject to search at any time deemed necessary by Administration.
  • Lockers do not contain built-in combination locks. Students are given the opportunity to rent a combination lock from the school.
  • Students may NOT put on personal locks, as lockers are considered school property.
  • Students should contact the Operations Manager or Maintenance Manager if there is a problem with the locker or the lock.
  • Lockers may be decorated inside but may not contain objectionable pictures.
  • No decorations or stickers may be displayed on the outside of lockers except those created by school or parent groups for school events.
  • Parents should request permission prior to decorating student lockers.
  • Lockers will be inspected at the end of the year after students have cleaned them.
  • Students will be responsible for any damages incurred.


Please see the information and diagram below regarding student parking:

Student Parking

Senior Student Parking is reserved in the Yellow section on the map.
Junior and Sophomore Student Drivers may park in any other undesignated areas. 

Visitor Parking

The Red section of the map indicates Visitor parking. 

Family Parking

The Orange section of the map represents reserved parking from 2:45-3:15 pm for Combo Families' with children at multiple school levels. Families with elementary students and older students can pick-up an elementary child at 2:50 pm and then wait for a MS and/or HS child after dismissal at 3:00 pm.


Central Christian School collects student vehicle information to ensure campus safety and facilitate efficient communication in case of emergencies involving student vehicles.

Students who plan to drive a vehicle to school are required to complete this form:  Student Vehicle Registration Form


High School Musi