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“Attending Central really helped to develop my curiosity for learning about the natural world and prepared me well for college level classes. All of the AP and CCP options offered at Central really helped me to get a head start on earning college credits. I appreciated that teachers at Central were willing to take extra time outside of class to discuss differing perspectives on a variety of topics with me when I had questions. Numerous teachers gave of their own time and energy to provide a way for me to have higher level learning experiences such as Science Olympiad, an extra year of German, and spending extra hands on time in lab.”
-Andrea Hamsher, Class of 2020


Multiple studies have found that learning-by-doing leads to greater achievement across the subject areas, including science, math, language arts, and social studies. In addition, hands-on activities build focus and retention. Research also confirms a direct link between hands-on learning and creativity.  Students tap into other parts of their brains, devise different solutions and eventually land on a light-bulb moment. While creativity Is a key contributor to future workplace success, collaboration is another crucial 21st century skill and is a natural byproduct of students learning by doing.

High School Musi