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Grievance Procedure

Rationale:  Central Christian School is committed to helpful communication during the process of resolving concerns, complaints or disputes within the school community. Prompt effective resolution of grievances in a Christ-like manner is central to this commitment. Grievances will be treated with seriousness and resolved in a timely and appropriate manner. The school will provide processes to resolve grievances that are fair and just. Decisions will be made with impartiality and due care and at all times confidentiality will be respected. 

Central Christian School is composed of many people and from time to time conflicts may occur. Practically stated, when a conflict occurs, both parties should first attempt to use a problem-solving process rather than sharing concerns with others. This is the application of Matthew 18:15-17. 

Scope: These guidelines are to be followed whenever there is a dispute or grievance between two parties connected in a direct way to Central Christian School. This includes students, parents, staff, volunteers, administration and board. It is understood that if any disputes arise which are not covered by this policy, the Superintendent will decide what procedures to follow based on those procedures established by this policy. 

Definition: A grievance is a formal objection or complaint made on the basis of something believed to be wrong, unfair, misleading, unlawful, or of poor quality. 

Goal: The aim of a grievance procedure is to produce a solution. Not all resolutions will satisfy those concerned, but the grievance procedure will ensure that the concern is addressed and that a clear response is provided at each stage of the process. The procedure involves both informal and formal components. 

General Guidelines: 

• If the complaint is a matter of concern that involves a staff member, first speak directly to that staff member. 

• If the complaint or matter of concern is about school policies or decisions, first speak directly to the member of staff responsible for the implementation of the policy. Seek clarification from the principal or superintendent if you are unsure of the person to whom you should address your concern or complaint. 

• Decisions by the board are final. No further appeal will be granted. 

Grievance Resolution Process: 

Students/Parents to Teachers/Coaches: 

1. All concerns about the classroom must first be presented to the teacher by the parents, or if the student is mature enough, by the student him/herself. A respectful demeanor is required at all times. 

2. If the problem is not resolved, the parents or student may bring the concern to the appropriate principal. Complaints at this level and above are documented by the principal to assist the school in identifying and rectifying problems that are recurring or to identify systemic issues that require attention. 

3. If the problem is not resolved to the students/parents satisfaction, the parents should appeal the decision to the Superintendent in writing. The Superintendent will speak with parties involved, investigate as appropriate and make a final determination to resolve the matter, observing principles of procedural fairness and timeliness. The final determination, including reasons for the decision will be communicated in writing. 

4. If the resolution is still unsatisfactory, they may lodge a written appeal to the Central Christian Board of Trustees within two weeks of the Superintendent’s determination requesting a review of the school’s determination. 

Parents/Volunteer group members/Pastors/Donors to Administrator: 

1. If parents, volunteer group members, pastors, or donors have a grievance or dispute about the general operation of the school (apart from the operation of the classrooms), they should bring their concerns to the appropriate principal or person responsible for that department. 

2. If the problem is not resolved, they should present their concerns in writing to the Superintendent. Complaints at this level and above are documented by the Superintendent to assist the school in identifying and rectifying problems that are recurring or to identify systemic issues that require attention. The Superintendent will speak with parties involved, investigate as appropriate and make a final determination to resolve the matter, observing principles of procedural fairness and timeliness. The final determination, including reasons for the decision will be communicated in writing. 

3. If there is no satisfactory resolution, they may lodge a written appeal to the Central Christian Board of Trustees within two weeks of the Superintendent’s determination requesting a review of the school’s determination. 

4. This procedure applies to board members who are acting in their capacity as parents, volunteer group members, pastors, or donors and not as representatives of the board.